So it’s the end of the school year. You’re almost done exams and you can see the light at the end of the tunnel, but you haven’t heard back from those summer job applications and you’re starting to worry that your resume will look empty. Stop refreshing Indeed or LinkedIn – while it isn’t too late to find a position that’ll earn you some resume brownie points, there are more effective avenues to try.
New Year’s Resolutions and Quarterly Goals: Should You Even Bother?
It’s that time of year again. Christmas has come and gone, Boxing Day sales still going on for some reason, and it feels like just about everyone is planning their New Year’s Resolutions. Especially with the shit show that has been 2020, it can be easy to want to make 2021 your year or to promise you’ll drop the quarantine weight. But given the current state of the world, are these lofty goals really worth it?
Online Class? How to Make this Semester Your Strongest so Far
Back to school is always a difficult time of year. The switch to weekly assignments, 9:00 ams, and hours of readings can be tough even for the strongest of students. Unfortunately, this year will probably be even more challenging for students taking all their classes online. However, with a few adjustments, you can still do really well and might even be able to make this semester your strongest so far!
Movie Tips & Recommendations for Self-Isolation
Are you tired of lying in bed? Bored in quarantined? Not at all productive even though you have more time than ever? Me too! If you’re getting bored or running out of things to do while social distancing, movies are always a great option! In this post I’m sharing some great movie-related websites to check out during the quarantine, as well as my latest movie recommendations!
Book/Movie Recommendations for a Cozy Night In
It’s the middle of January, which means two things: it’s cold, and (like most people) I have to make a very difficult decision every day: face the freezing cold, or stay in bed. Since I’m lazy a fan of staying warm, I usually just choose to stay curled up in my bed with multiple blankets, my laptop, and some snacks. If you want to do the same, but are bored of mindlessly searching the internet (which honestly, same), here are some recommendations for books and movies you can enjoy on your next cozy night in!